Monarch Migration 2012 | Cape May Point, NJ

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a nature lover to the core; bugs, bees, and all sorts of creepy crawlies! This weekend we are blessed to be so close to the spectacular southern monarch migration. I went yesterday morning, kids in tow in the early morning hours to Cape May Point in hopes of seeing just a few. It was nothing short of magical. A snow storm of monarchs surrounded us. Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be wonderful as well. Take your kids, get the binoculars and head to the point. Early morning 7am-8:30 they wake and begin to leave the roosting sites to feed and then journey across the Delaware Bay. Look for yards with lots of native flowers and vegetation, or they are loving the blooming ivy climbing the trees. Late afternoon those that didn’t cross roost again to rest for the mornings flight. So worth seeing!




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