I spent the beginning of June in Rwanda doing photographs for Bridge2Rwanda, an organization that trains and empowers bright, young African students to secure scholarships to universities in the US, Europe and Canada. While there, I had the honor of trekking through Volcano National Park In Rwanda (think.. Dian Fossey, Gorillas in the Mist) to spend time with the Ntmbara group of gorillas. A dream come true in many ways, this trip was more than I could have imagined. Upon arrival to the national park, we were greeted with a stunning sunrise dance performed by locals who support gorilla conservation. We were separated into groups of 6-8 people and assigned professional trekkers to lead us on a 3 hour walk that ended in the presence of a gorilla family. We were allowed one precious hour with them, an hour that feels like it will be burned into my mind forever. We were so close, we could listen to them gently talk to each other, hear the chewing of the leaves, we watched the moms tenderly hold their babies, and laughed while youngsters wrestled and played. Bliss.