Summer is officially over here and it is fall, I am so very sad. I really, really don’t like the end of summer, not because I don’t like the fall, but because I really don’t like winter. I was meant to be living in Florida or somewhere that jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt is as bundled as I would ever have to be. As soon as the temperature nears 50 degrees, I break out my down comforter and my heating blanket (the best Christmas present my husband has EVER gotten me) and I hunker down for the arctic. Really, when it goes below 50, my teeth chatter when I get out of the shower and I feel so angry when I have to get into a cold bed at night. Only 6 more months of cold.
I met with this fantastic family a few weeks ago on one of the last beautiful nights we had at the beach. The weather was simply perfect, as was the sky. That brilliant blue that makes you want to get outside, play with your family, laugh really loud and of course, take some pictures!